Thursday, March 8, 2012

Siri for iPhone 4, 3GS and iPad

A lot of people actually failed to make the siri works on non-iphone 4s devices. But at least for me and my housemate, we had successfully installed it on our iPhone 4 and iPad first generation. This is how it works:
Things you need to make this work:
Jailbroken iPhone 4 3GS or 3G
iFile (paid app but available for free at repo- cydia.xsellize. com)
Siriport (Repo-

1. Install this certificate: (you do this by typing that address into safari on your iPhone and installing the certificate when prompted)

2. Add in cydia and install Siriport for whatever iOS you are using. This file is very large, WiFi recommended. Once Siriport is installed you should be forced to respring your device.

3. Using ifile or a similar program, go to var/mobile/library/preferences find the file named and press the blue circle for more options.

4. Go down to the permission section (user, group, world) and make sure they are all set to read, write. Save the setting.

5. Go to Settings>General and turn off Siri

6. Reboot (not respring)

7. Go to settings and turn on Siri

8. Press and hold your home button until Siri pops up. Say "Hello Siri". Odds are that she will give you an error. Something to the effect of "I'm sorry, but I can't take any requests right now". Talk to Siri every couple of minutes (at any interval) until Siri works. THIS IS THE STEP WHERE MOST OF THE PEOPLE GIVE UP. Please, have patience and you will have Siri running.

You can check the status of the Siriport server at this web address:

9. If the server is overloaded and it will not giving you a working key, delete your assistant.plist file, go to settings and turn off Siri, shut off your device then turn it back on. Turn Siri on and try activating Siri again. I have personally used this method 3 times. Activation times varied from 5 minutes to 6+ hours. It is not a fast method, but it is a free method for getting Siri on your i-device.

Good Luck and happy jailbreaking.

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